
Wednesday 11 July 2012


Crossword #1
2.  Me-Dam-Me-Phi
4.  According to Gandhi, strength comes not from physical capacity but from ___
9.  Followers of some asterisks
10.  "Always aim at complete harmony of thought and ___ and deed"
11.  First novel by the author of Satanic Verses
13.  Envisaging an India without an underlying government, an ideal non-violent state as an ordered ___
14.  "In all probability this will be my last speech to you" Where was it said?
15.  A person who feels the need to abuse a child or sees them as sex objects
16.  The Rushdie Affair was said to have pitted a core western value of freedom of ___
19.  Single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country
20.  "Bad money drives good money out in circulation" Which law?
21.  My experiments with ___
22.  Creator of technology that merges sound with text
23.  The report on new avatar of MNREGA seeks to exploit synergy between MNREGA and ___
Dance with colourful masks in Jharkhand
Great souled
"Off the books" and "under the table" refers to this type of economy
Spoken around western Andaman Strait, an extinct Great Andamanese language
Musharraf wrote in his memoirs that Armitage said that Pakistan would be bombed back to "___"- a phrase that Armitage denied using
"If you see a snake, just kill it, don't appoint a ____ on snakes"
A symbol of 2011 Egyptian Revolution
CAT stands for Committee Against ___
A tool and symbol of the Indian independence movement

(Answers will be posted as a comment to this post soon. Till then you can write whichever answers you get as a comment here)

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