
Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Cry of A Tortured Soul...

By Swati Thakur (St. Stephen's College)

WHAT am I?? ……the cry of a tortured soul!

Another horrific tale I was told,
Made me angry, made me cold;
It made me question my dignity,
WHAT am I? I was left in a quandary!

An individual, a person is that all?
Or a mere person meant to oblige monsters’ calls?
Am I the beauty that nurtures a life?
Or just a commodity used by some low life?

I am a woman-I scream out aloud,
With feelings, with emotions, and a heart that makes me proud.
I am a gift to be cherished,
To be respected, cared for and allowed to flourish!

I have grown in stature over time,
Yet I am subjected to maximum crimes;
Been to the moon and back, the world says,
Yet in their actions, these words give away!

Brutally slaughtered, broken and shattered;
That’s the fate I meet if a man I fail to oblige,
My own choices and decisions don’t matter,
Agree or DIE, is the decision conferred……

I am not a commodity to be owned,
My body, my temple, not some throne!
I deserve to be treasured, not butchered,
To be considered an equal, not a weakling!

WHAT am I? Again I question,
For I am considered far from human……

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